We need a truly independent representative that will always support your ideas, fight for the needs of our community, and act with the utmost integrity. Someone not tainted and hobbled by party politics. A genuine voice.
Give voters true control of the politicians and parties they elect by changing how we vote in the first place. Abandon our failing current first-past-the-post, winner-takes-all system. Bring in proportional representation, to make all our votes actually matter, so that results match intent. Allocate seats and power more equitably, so that everyone has their proper place at the table to really work together. Convene an official, binding, and strictly non-partisan Citizens’ Assembly in order to help accomplish this in a truly democratic manner.
Involve voters in the decision-making process. Send out information packages on all legislation proposed by the government and the opposition, asking the electorate how they wish their MPP to proceed on each one. The MPP will then vote accordingly, based the majority choices indicated and tallied.
Make officials truly and totally accountable to their constituents. Enact voter recall laws, applicable to all politicians, civil servants and judges -- all of whom who are virtually immune from real public accountability. Make them pay for improper conduct and dereliction of duty the same way all others do, with penalties including immediate termination with a loss of all severance pay, pensions or other benefits.
Ease the burden on the average taxpayer, while making sure that everybody still pays their fair share, and that our money is spent wisely. Increase taxes on large corporations and the wealthy. Reduce taxes on small businesses. Most importantly, we must regularly and independently audit ALL government funding and expenditures, BOTH in advance AND afterward — to ensure efficiency and avoid wastage on unnecessary administrative overhead costs. Reduce the debt and deficit. Strive for balanced budgets.
Protect the environment and fight climate change using better methods and smarter investments. Scrap the current weak carbon pricing standard and restore the previous cap-and-trade system. Increase subsidies to auto manufacturers for the production of both hybrid and electric vehicles (EVs). Install more EV charging stations across the city and the province. Build more nuclear power plants, especially Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), to replace coal and gas facilities.
Put the health and safety of our community first and foremost in the fight against COVID-19. Bring back mask mandates for at least another 4-6 months. Continue to promote and encourage full vaccination with regular booster doses, but without re-imposing vaccine passport mandates unless absolutely necessary. Allocate more funding and resources for both PCR and rapid antigen test kit production and distribution.
Make sure that everyone can have the home they deserve without breaking the bank. Provide more financial support to first-time homebuyers, including interest-free shared equity loans of up to 15% of the home’s value for use in making down payments.
Increase non-resident speculation and foreign buyer taxes to 25% for all property sales. Introduce a vacancy tax as well, to dampen unfair demand and competition from investors who don't live in the homes they buy. Bring back strict rent controls for all rental units. Increase funding commitments to help build many more affordable homes, of both single-family and multi-family types.
Give our educators and students the tools they need to truly succeed. Boost funding in order to hire more teachers and support staff, as well as to renovate and expand our schools. Reduce class sizes — mandate a classroom cap of 20 students at all levels. Provide more in-class supports for kids with special needs or learning challenges. Prioritize in-school mental health and wellness supports for everybody. Reduce the emphasis on mediocre, insufficient online learning and prioritize instead the much more effective experiential learning in the classroom.
Work together to build prosperity for all, ensuring that every person in our community has the true freedom and opportunity to reach their full potential. Implement a well-structured and equitably balanced Universal Basic Income (UBI) model, designed with the proper fiscal prudence to maintain and encourage economic growth. Avoid adding unnecessarily to the personal income tax burden of average citizens by leveraging funding options that focus on financial sector contributions, fewer tax breaks for large companies, and fewer subsidies for the wealthy.
If we join together and make ourselves truly heard, we can finally make the changes we want to see!
Voting serves all of us. Thank you for your commitment.
We love our supporters, and we're always looking for more candidates to run for us in the next election too! So please do reach out you're interested!
Donations are also very much appreciated, of course.
1048 Springwater Crescent, Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1G4, Canada
Email: info@nota.ca